
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello :)

So basically, I need a place to put my thoughts. My husband is in the Navy (we're both new to this military thing) and we have a 3 month old son (born 6-26-10). I married Anthony when I was 16 (6-10-08) and I'm now 19, he's 21. When we found out we were pregnant, he enlisted for the Navy. He wanted to give our son everything, and so far Kayden has been a lucky baby. Anthony may not have been there when he was born because of the Navy, but he has provided for him and now is a pretty good dad to him. Moving out here was hard and while I have made friends in the month we have been here, I still need somewhere to talk, vent, and just share my life. We moved in to our very first apartment (thank you, Navy!) and we are currently working on all the furnishings and such. We still sleep on an air bed, but have bought a couch, loveseat, table with chairs, coffee table, end table (there was only one at the store at the time, and now it looks silly with only one), a TV stand and of course a new TV (Hubby's idea). Kayden has all his furniture (crib, dresser/changing table, rocker, play furniture, etc.) and he seems to be used to this being home now. We are suppose to be here for two years, so I am thankful we have good neighbors and that one has a sweet little girl (she is around a month now, but I'm not totally sure) who Kayden can play with when they get a bit older. I'm not all that outgoing, and since I stay home with him and don't take him to any daycare, I don't think I would have met anyone with children his age (or babies) and I really do want him to have that social interaction. I was homeschooled growing up and I am a very shy person. I have panic attacks just going into the mall (sad, I know), I don't want Kayden to go through what I did.  For now anyways, he seems to be a happy baby. 

I absolutely adore reading, and I am currently working on a very long list of books. I just finished Clockwork Angel (Cassandra Clare), which was amazing. I loved her first three books (the Mortal Instruments series), and am now waiting for the next book to come out, so onto the other books in my list. I am going to try to read as many books as I can before the end of this year but will probably not get very far now that we have Kayden.  Playing with, feeding, diapering, bathing, and everything else that comes with a baby takes a lot of time (and I'm perfectly okay with that most of the time), so it slows down all the reading I used to do. Also, cleaning (my hubby is a messy man, so so so messy), cooking and all the wifely duties are also cutting my reading back. But I'm okay with all of that, I love being a wife and mom :)

Anthony is a gamer. I mean big time. He plays just about all kinds of video games, and tabletop games. He seriously loves Dungeons and Dragons.  Of course, I'm dragged into it a lot. So in the future if I will probably be complaining about this. Don't confuse it with me actually disliking any of it,  I love how he loves it. I just don't love how most of his life is about it (he is working on that, and doing a lot better than he used to be).   And don't get me wrong, I do enjoy D&D myself, just not quite as much as he does. 

So now, tell me about yourself :)

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