
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This morning Kayden got me up at 5am, not a big deal to me as that is our usual time. However, this time I could not get back to sleep after he was back in bed. When I finally started to drift off, Anthony's phone alarm went off and he got up to get ready to leave for work, leaving me unable to sleep whatsoever. Sooo, Wii Fit plus, and browsing online. When Kayden finally woke up he ate and I finally fell asleep on the couch for a few hours, and he watched Dora the whole time! We ended up going to Wal-mart with a neighbor and talking with her for a while. Kayden didn't nap at ALL during the day (despite my attempts to coax him asleep) and got pretty cranky, and he stayed that way the entire day. He has finally fallen asleep and I'm so glad! Hopefully since he went to bed so late maybe he will sleep past 5am!

(My handsome little man)

Anthony decided to clean out the cars, take out the trash, and do dishes today (Which means he got really bored, as he never cleans!) I hope it means he was bored without us there! This must have worn him out, as he is completely passed out on the couch.

(There is my sexy beast. He looks funny there though)

All in all, a good day, despite Kayden being a crab.  Promise I'll write about something better soon! I have a few things that I'm getting all my thoughts together about before I start writing so hopefully that will be in the next couple days.

How was ya'll's day? :)

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