
Monday, November 22, 2010

"You can't move a Holiday"

I'm still alive, promise.

So, we had a pregnancy scare. I'm not pregnant, but now I'm rethinking when I want to get pregnant again. I'm thinking in the late spring.. That way, we will still be pregnant when we move into the new place in August (somewhere around there), and can set up for baby there (also be able to get a 3 bedroom) and then baby will be a little older when we move again in early fall 2012 (That is, if he gets stationed somewhere else). 

Anyways, we have been decorating for Christmas lately. We have our tree up, its white with clear lights. I love it. I've put light blue ornaments on it, the mini ones. With some larger ornaments, little snowmen, and little blue birds.We also bought a new table, and its AMAZING. I love it.  We moved our couches, TV, and I've moved Kayden's room around.  I might as well get things the way I want it since we will be in this apartment for 9 to 10 months, depending on when they will have a house ready for us. I'm SO excited to move next year, its really becoming sad. We drive by the houses (more like duplexes in a way) when we go to Wal-Mart and I drool over them every time. I can't wait to have a yard of our own, and to have storage space. (Our apartment literally has 1 small storage closet, and its packed full. I have no utility closet or anything, I didn't think about this when we signed our lease)

Anthony has invited some people over for Thanksgiving, except he has moved Thanksgiving to Friday because he has to work on Thursday. My first thought was "You can't move a Holiday.." but I suppose it will work out better that way. Still.

How has everyone else's November been going?

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