
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10-6-10 - 1:37am

Friday I finsihed The Host, which was amazing. I loved it, and am pretty sad that I've finished the book and can't read more. 

Monday Anthony started to actually work, so he's working the 5pm to 5am shifts right now. This is our second night without him here, and it seems like we can do this. I'm terrified for when he gets deployed someday, I don't know as though I can do it. My neighbors are great though, I've helped S (I'm just going to give the first letter of their names to identify them for now) with her computer, watched True Blood with her, went to Wal-mart with S and M (don't tell me, I already know that sounds wrong).  I was going to go with S and get pedicures sometime today (more like tomorrow, because I haven't slept yet) but I'm thinking I'm going to pass this time because I feel more like being lazy with Kayden and Anthony while he's home. Especially since I have been cleaning like a mad-woman while Kayden sleeps and Anthony is working..

We went to Target the other night and I got a light up jack-o-lantern, a "Keep Out" sign, two Halloween picture frames, a measuring cup (I didn't have one, its really hard to cook without one, especially bake), two big plastic Halloween bowls, two pie plates, two long sleeve oneies for Kayden (they are Halloween ones, so cute, I'll post pictures soon), and a $1 t-shirt with a jack-o-lantern face on it for Kayden. Once I get pictures in the frames and put them where they will stay I'll be posting pictures, they are really cute. I love Halloween.

Whats been going on for everyone else?  Any Halloween purchases lately?


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