
Monday, January 10, 2011

Xbox 360

Well I guess I pretty much fail at blogging. I never update!
I've become a little obsessed with Halo Reach.. and its just a wee bit out of hand. I may not do all that well, but I'm still quite attached. I almost cried when I beat it. Yeah..
Add me on Live if you have an account :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

"You can't move a Holiday"

I'm still alive, promise.

So, we had a pregnancy scare. I'm not pregnant, but now I'm rethinking when I want to get pregnant again. I'm thinking in the late spring.. That way, we will still be pregnant when we move into the new place in August (somewhere around there), and can set up for baby there (also be able to get a 3 bedroom) and then baby will be a little older when we move again in early fall 2012 (That is, if he gets stationed somewhere else). 

Anyways, we have been decorating for Christmas lately. We have our tree up, its white with clear lights. I love it. I've put light blue ornaments on it, the mini ones. With some larger ornaments, little snowmen, and little blue birds.We also bought a new table, and its AMAZING. I love it.  We moved our couches, TV, and I've moved Kayden's room around.  I might as well get things the way I want it since we will be in this apartment for 9 to 10 months, depending on when they will have a house ready for us. I'm SO excited to move next year, its really becoming sad. We drive by the houses (more like duplexes in a way) when we go to Wal-Mart and I drool over them every time. I can't wait to have a yard of our own, and to have storage space. (Our apartment literally has 1 small storage closet, and its packed full. I have no utility closet or anything, I didn't think about this when we signed our lease)

Anthony has invited some people over for Thanksgiving, except he has moved Thanksgiving to Friday because he has to work on Thursday. My first thought was "You can't move a Holiday.." but I suppose it will work out better that way. Still.

How has everyone else's November been going?

Friday, October 22, 2010


Nothing terribly exciting has gone on around here.  Just getting the apartment together and playing with my son :)

When I get the place more together I will post pictures, although it won't be very good. I have done some Halloween decorating, I love this time of the year. On my balcony, I have a string of orange lights, a string of orange and purple lights, and a string of green and purple lights.  We hung a skeleton from the railing, put a ghost light in the window (its a sliding glass door), and put a bunch of gel cling ghosts, jack-o-lanterns, spiders, "Boo!"s, "Beware Turn back", and a skeleton on the window as well.  I stuck a end table that I had bought for the living room (I bought it before we got our couches, and the arm rests for the couches are SO high that the end table doesn't really work) out in the corner where the rain can't hit it.  My uncle had given us 3 patio chairs so I put them out there. It really is nice to sit out there, so its has become my area of the house. I'm pretty much the only one who goes out there, well of course I bring my son out there a lot but its been cold lately so I have been keeping him inside.

My bathroom I've been working on as well. First, I deep cleaned it. So I organized everything and cleaned everything. It looked amazing, but REALLY bare. So I hung some outdoor lights I had gotten at Target along the top of the mirror. Our mirror is huge and is all the way across the wall until it hits the shower.  It looks way better, I love it. Then today we were at Wal-Mart and I saw these wall candle holders, so I got them and put them on the other side of the bathroom, I still need to get some tealights for them but it looks nice. It is finally some place I can enjoy when I take a bubble bath :)

In the kitchen Anthony is picking out most of the decor for it, he has an obsession with coffee (because of Godot on Phoenix Wright) so we have a rug in front of the sink with a coffee cup and says "Cafe Latte",  above the sink on the wall we have some coffee art. Our kitchen towels are the same style. I've also put up a cork board, and white board. Its really helpful for reminders, notes, menu planning and all sorts of things.

Our living room isn't exactly coming together, along with our bedroom and dining room. Kayden's room is basically finished, I just need to add some shelves and a small bookcase to put all his stuffed animals and books on/in.  And hang the valance. 
In our bedroom I need to make curtains (or find matching ones), we have to buy a bed frame and headboard,  mattress, box spring (okkkay we are using an air bed right now!), buy a dresser, end tables and so on.. It's not a very inviting room.. Everything that I don't know where to put goes in there, so its just a big mess right now, but I'm working on it every day for a little bit to get rid of the mess and get it in order.
Our dining room is well, really full.  We have a table and two chairs (the other two chairs had some issues with them so we are going to be taking everything apart and returning it ALL, and buying a different set) but since our living room doesn't fit both the couch and loveseat, the loveseat is in the dinning room (We were going to put it in our bedroom, but we can't fit it through the doorway haha, the dining room is the only room that it can fit into) and it takes a lot of space, so everything is in an awkward position. 

We bought Kayden a awesome play mat the other day, he LOVES it. He has apparently grown out of his swing because he hates being put in it.. so that is going into storage and giving us much needed space in our living room.  He has an appointment in a couple weeks to get shots, I don't know if I can make it through that! At his first appointment he had to have some blood drawn to check his jaundice levels (which were fine), and I cried so much over him being hurt. Anthony is going with us so hopefully he can hold us all together.

So anyone doing some home decorating, or putting their home together for the first time?  I'd love to hear about it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10-6-10 - 1:37am

Friday I finsihed The Host, which was amazing. I loved it, and am pretty sad that I've finished the book and can't read more. 

Monday Anthony started to actually work, so he's working the 5pm to 5am shifts right now. This is our second night without him here, and it seems like we can do this. I'm terrified for when he gets deployed someday, I don't know as though I can do it. My neighbors are great though, I've helped S (I'm just going to give the first letter of their names to identify them for now) with her computer, watched True Blood with her, went to Wal-mart with S and M (don't tell me, I already know that sounds wrong).  I was going to go with S and get pedicures sometime today (more like tomorrow, because I haven't slept yet) but I'm thinking I'm going to pass this time because I feel more like being lazy with Kayden and Anthony while he's home. Especially since I have been cleaning like a mad-woman while Kayden sleeps and Anthony is working..

We went to Target the other night and I got a light up jack-o-lantern, a "Keep Out" sign, two Halloween picture frames, a measuring cup (I didn't have one, its really hard to cook without one, especially bake), two big plastic Halloween bowls, two pie plates, two long sleeve oneies for Kayden (they are Halloween ones, so cute, I'll post pictures soon), and a $1 t-shirt with a jack-o-lantern face on it for Kayden. Once I get pictures in the frames and put them where they will stay I'll be posting pictures, they are really cute. I love Halloween.

Whats been going on for everyone else?  Any Halloween purchases lately?


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 months!

On Sunday, my little man turned 3 months old!

I love him more than anything or anyone.

Other news, I've started reading the Host by Stephanie Meyer (I'm doing a book swap with my neighbor bellow me, she got the three books released of the Mortal Instruments series from me). It's amazing, I started yesterday and I'm already about 25 chapters in. I stayed up reading most of the night, then regretted it when after 3 hours of sleep had to get up. My own fault. Today turned out really good despite the no sleep though.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Graphic art

Got bored today and made a few siggies, I'm going to call them siggies for lack of better word, for my good friend Jenny. If you have a better name for them, please comment and let me know, thank you.  And on a further note, if you would like one for yourself I do not mind making them. Just ask.

(If you click on the images you can see the full size)

She apparently printed them out and hung them on little Kyle's bedroom wall, which makes me happy.

Have you done any art projects recently?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This morning Kayden got me up at 5am, not a big deal to me as that is our usual time. However, this time I could not get back to sleep after he was back in bed. When I finally started to drift off, Anthony's phone alarm went off and he got up to get ready to leave for work, leaving me unable to sleep whatsoever. Sooo, Wii Fit plus, and browsing online. When Kayden finally woke up he ate and I finally fell asleep on the couch for a few hours, and he watched Dora the whole time! We ended up going to Wal-mart with a neighbor and talking with her for a while. Kayden didn't nap at ALL during the day (despite my attempts to coax him asleep) and got pretty cranky, and he stayed that way the entire day. He has finally fallen asleep and I'm so glad! Hopefully since he went to bed so late maybe he will sleep past 5am!

(My handsome little man)

Anthony decided to clean out the cars, take out the trash, and do dishes today (Which means he got really bored, as he never cleans!) I hope it means he was bored without us there! This must have worn him out, as he is completely passed out on the couch.

(There is my sexy beast. He looks funny there though)

All in all, a good day, despite Kayden being a crab.  Promise I'll write about something better soon! I have a few things that I'm getting all my thoughts together about before I start writing so hopefully that will be in the next couple days.

How was ya'll's day? :)